
Friday, August 28, 2015

Greetings, Mathlings!!! TUES, SEP. 1

Hello everyone and WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!  Grumpy cat says:

Juuuuuust kidding! I'm super excited to have you all for Math this year. We're going to be doing some fun stuff :) 

Today we're going to talk about divisibility patterns (section 1-2 of your textbook). 

1) Please see the divisibility rules chart below and copy the rules into the "notes" section of your 3-section notebook. You can copy the chart any way you'd like - keep it simple or make it snazzy!

2) After reading through the rules, please read through pages 10 and 11 in your textbook, individually. 

3) Then, working with your group, complete page 12, #s 9 - 20 and # 29. Be sure everyone's name is on your group's paper before you hand it in (you only need to hand one paper in per group). 